Guest Policy

3 min. readlast update: 09.04.2024

You are welcome to have visitors, but it is important for us to know who is on the premises at all times. This is for the safety of all our residents and so that everyone can be accounted for if there is an emergency evacuation.

Guest Rules

All guests must register 

All guests must sign in and out of the building using the guest register sheet. Please bring your guest to reception when they arrive and leave

Always stay with you guest

Please accompany your guest(s) at all times at ISH, including escorting them to sign out when they leave. Do not give your key card to a guest.

Check with your roommate

If you share a room, you must ask your roommate's permission before bringing a guest into the room. The permission should be emailed to the Reception Team before the guest arrives:

Follow house rules

Guests must behave appropriately towards all residents and staff and comply with our house rules.

You are responsible for your guest(s) and financially liable for any damage they cause. The Duty Manager has the right to ask guests to leave if they are not behaving appropriately. 

Charges and fees

There is no cost for daytime guests or a guest staying in your room overnight for 1-2 nights.

Charges may apply for extra bedding, longer stays, using empty beds in shared room or when booking a private room.

You can host a guest for a maximum of 1-2 nights in any, but not every, 7 day period. Note that the same guest cannot stay with a number of different residents to extend their free stay.

Day guests 

You may sign in a day time guest between 8:00am and 10.30pm. The maximum number of day guests in a bedroom is 2 and in communal areas 4. They must leave the premises and be signed out before 2:00am.  

Overnight guests 

  1. Any non-residents who remain on the premises after 2:00am are overnight guests. 
  2. The maximum number of overnight guests is 1 per room at any time.
  3. An overnight guest should be booked in advance via Reception (between 8am and 10:30pm). You will be given an Overnight Guest Pass for your guest. Overnight Guest Passes are not transferable between residents. 
  4. We understand that it is not always possible to book overnight guests in advance. In exceptional circumstances, it will be at the discretion of the Duty Manager to grant permission for an overnight guest after 10:30pm. This will be permitted for residents in single rooms only and for one night only. The Duty Manager will assess the risk to the safety of the would-be guest versus the safety of ISH residents and their decision is final.
  5.  Guest mattresses with a duvet, pillow and covers are available for a charge of £15.00 per night. Please note that if booked on the day, mattress delivery is subject to availability of a porter.  

You can also scan the QR code below for bookings of 3+ nights. 



Disciplinary action

If any resident is found to be abusing these rules in any way, e.g. by failing to sign in or out a guest or having a permanent or semi-permanent visitor, disciplinary action will be taken and addtional charges may apply. 



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